Don't expect anything different..

     Today I threw my son his 9th birthday party! I invited all his classmates, friends, family, and also his father side of the family because they are still family to me and I don't believe in having separate birthday parties unless there's some crazy tension between the parents etc.... Last year their father and I split the bill and to tell you the truth it was so stressful because he kept on looking at every single food that was coming out and telling me if it's necessary for all this food, and I said yes because you would to have more than enough than not enough.
      The party was great, and my son had such a great time with everyone! It was a little hard at first because I really thought that their father and I would be able to talk and maybe take some family photos for my son, but he didn't even want to talk to me or acknowledge me. Honestly if you are going to be that way, why come? I don't care what you have against me, but we are still parents to our son and we need to be mature about it and not pretend we are not in the same room. I knew that he wasn't going to offer or help with the bill of the party, but for some reason, I just had a tiny hope that he might offer to pay half or something , but he didn't Not even a , thank you for throwing our son a great party or  thank you hosting it. I know that he does't have to offer anything but I just thought we would be different. I thought that we would be able to be different from the average divorce parents and be able to help one another out, but I guess we are like the average divorce parents and I just have to accept it.
          Everyday is a learning process for me and I am learning how to accept different situations that I thought would be a certain way but really I don't have any control over and I just have to let it go. He isn't who I thought he was, he isn't the father that would want to help with the kids parties etc.. and that's okay.
          I am writing about this because I just needed to get this off my chest and it feels good to know that it's okay to feel this way. My feelings are valid and I just have to move on from today.  My son Luca told me that he had such a great time at his party and that he loves me for it. I am so thankful for my son and his love.

I love you Luca!

Mommy .


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